المملكة المغربية
المملكة المغربية دولة تقع في أقصى غربي شمال أفريقيا عاصمتها الرباط وأكبر مدنها الدار البيضاء التي تعتبر العاصمة الاقتصادية، ومن أهم المدن: فاس، مراكش، مكناس، طنجة، أغادير، تطوان، وجدة. تطل المغرب على البحر المتوسط شمالاً والمحيط الأطلسي غرباً يتوسطهما مضيق جبل طارق؛ تحدها شرقا الجزائر (خلاف حول الحدود المغربية مع الجزائر) وجنوباً موريتانيا. وفي الشريط البحري الضيق الفاصل بين المغرب وإسبانيا 3 مكتنفات إسبانية هي: سبتة، مليلية، وصخرة قميرة.
المغرب عضو في الأمم المتحدة منذ 1956، جامعة الدول العربية منذ 1958، اللجنة الدولية الأولمبية منذ 1959، منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامي منذ 1969، المنظمة الدولية الفرانكوفونية منذ 1981، الاتحاد المغاربي منذ 1989، مجموعة الحوار المتوسطي منذ 1995، ومجموعة سبعة وسبعون منذ 2003، منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي كحليف رئيس خارجه منذ 2004، ثم الاتحاد من أجل المتوسط سنة 2008.
والمغرب هي الدولة الأفريقية الوحيدة التي ليست عضوا في الاتحاد الأفريقي الذي حل محل منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية والتي انسحب منها المغرب عام 1984 بسبب رفضها الاعتراف بسيادته على الصحراء الغربية، بيد أن لها مكانا خاصا في الاتحاد: بالاستفادة من الخدمات التي تتيحها دول الاتحاد، كمجموعة البنك الأفريقي للتنمية (en). سنة 2008 منح الاتحاد الأوروبي للمغرب الوضع المتقدم في اتفاقيات الشراكة والجوار والذي يمكّن المغرب من المشاركة في بعض الوكالات الأوروبية، وفي 7 مارس 2010 انعقدت في غرناطة أول قمة مشتركة بين الاتحاد الأوروبي والمغرب.
المغرب دولة ذات نظام ملكي دستوري ببرلمان يتم انتخابه. الملك يحتفظ بسلطات تنفيذية واسعة. الانتخابات البرلمانية 2007 تم رصدها من طرف ملاحظين دوليين لأول مرة في المغرب رغم ذلك فإن نسبة الحضور الانتخابي (EN) كانت فقط 37% من إجمالي الناخبين،] الرابحان الرئيسيان في هذه الانتخابات هما الحركة الشعبية ثم الاتحاد الدستوري وكلاهما حزب ليبرالي، كما حققت المعارضة متمثلة في حزب العدالة والتنمية وهو حزب يميني زيادة متواضعة في عدد النواب كذلك فعل حزب التقدم والاشتراكية وهو حزب يساري. في 19 سبتمبر 2007 شغل عباس الفاسي من حزب الاستقلال منصب الوزير الأول للمملكة المغربية.
Le Maroc, en forme longue le Royaume du Maroc, en arabe al-Maghrib, المغرب et Al Mamlakatu'l-Maghribiya, المملكة المغربية, en berbère Lmaɣrib, et Tagldit N Lmaɣrib, , ou encore le Royaume chérifien, est un pays d'Afrique du Nord appartenant au Maghreb. Sa capitale politique est Rabat alors que la capitale économique et la plus grande ville du pays est Casablanca. Le pays est bordé par l’océan Atlantique à l’ouest, par l’Espagne, le détroit de Gibraltar et la mer Méditerranée au nord, par l’Algérie à l’est. Au sud, le Maroc est bordé par le Sahara Occidental, territoire non autonome selon l’ONU, mais annexé majoritairement par le Maroc qui, de ce fait, contrôle notamment la partie Sud de sa frontière avec la Mauritanie. Le Maroc est membre de la Ligue des États arabes.
Morocco ; "Amerruk" or "Elmeġrib"), officially the Kingdom of Morocco,] is a country located in North Africa. It has a population of over 32 million and an area of 446,550 km². Morocco also administers most of the disputed region of the Western Sahara as the Southern Provinces, but Moroccan sovereignty over the territory is not recognized by any member state of the United Nations. Despite being situated in Africa, Morocco remains the only African state not to be a member of the African Union due to its unilateral withdrawal on November 12, 1984 over the issue of Western Sahara's admission as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in 1982.
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The King of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, including the power to dissolve the parliament. Executive power is exercised by the government but the king's decisions usually overwrite those of the government if there is a contradiction. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, the Assembly of Representatives and the Assembly of Councillors. The king can also issue decrees called dahirs which have the force of law. The latest Parliamentary elections were held on November 25, 2011, and were considered by some neutral observers to be mostly free and fair. Voter turnout in these elections was estimated to be 43% of registered voters, but only about 25% of Moroccan adult citizens actually voted. The rest either chose not to vote or they were not registered as voters, thus not allowed to vote. The political capital of Morocco is Rabat, although the largest city is Casablanca; other major cities include Marrakesh, Tetouan, Tangier, Salé, Fes, Agadir, Meknes, Oujda, Kenitra, and Nador.
The Moroccan economy is generally diverse but very fragile. About 40% of Moroccans cannot read or write, and the country has high levels of extreme poverty and health care deprivation. Morocco also has a high level of economic inequality. The unemployment rates under the highly educated as well as the unskilled are very high and cause consistent social unrest in many cities and villages. In 2011, the UN's Human Development Index ranked Morocco as the 130th most developed country in the world.
Almost all Moroccans speak either Berber, Moroccan Arabic or French as mother tongues.Hassaniya Arabic, sometimes considered as a variety of Moroccan Arabic, is spoken in the southern provinces (Western Sahara) in the country by a small population.
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The King of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, including the power to dissolve the parliament. Executive power is exercised by the government but the king's decisions usually overwrite those of the government if there is a contradiction. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, the Assembly of Representatives and the Assembly of Councillors. The king can also issue decrees called dahirs which have the force of law. The latest Parliamentary elections were held on November 25, 2011, and were considered by some neutral observers to be mostly free and fair. Voter turnout in these elections was estimated to be 43% of registered voters, but only about 25% of Moroccan adult citizens actually voted. The rest either chose not to vote or they were not registered as voters, thus not allowed to vote. The political capital of Morocco is Rabat, although the largest city is Casablanca; other major cities include Marrakesh, Tetouan, Tangier, Salé, Fes, Agadir, Meknes, Oujda, Kenitra, and Nador.
The Moroccan economy is generally diverse but very fragile. About 40% of Moroccans cannot read or write, and the country has high levels of extreme poverty and health care deprivation. Morocco also has a high level of economic inequality. The unemployment rates under the highly educated as well as the unskilled are very high and cause consistent social unrest in many cities and villages. In 2011, the UN's Human Development Index ranked Morocco as the 130th most developed country in the world.
Almost all Moroccans speak either Berber, Moroccan Arabic or French as mother tongues.Hassaniya Arabic, sometimes considered as a variety of Moroccan Arabic, is spoken in the southern provinces (Western Sahara) in the country by a small population.